Welcome to BenWoods.com! I decided that since my readership was up to about 24 people, I should devote an entire Web site to it. So here it is!
All of my columns published during the last four years should be available here. If not, I need to check the lost and found because it's possible one or two ran away. A key ingredient to the current site is the newest survey, the Ultimate Crazy Survey. It's the best of the ones I've made so far, to check it out when you have time.
In the future, there will be many other items on the site, including a comments/forum area, books, etc. I'm in the final stages of completing my first book, and I'm looking forward to displaying it here for others to possibly purchase. Once I complete it, I will post more information about the book and exerpts as well.
Until then, please feel free to contact me with any site comments and suggestions. Also, if you happen to see a broken link on the site, especially in one of my columns, please email me and let me know.
Thanks for visiting!