Maybe there are funnier things on the Internet. Maybe there is an insanely hilarious site on mimes, and I cannot get to it because I'm still stuck in the box. All I know is that I pity the fool who misses out on this one.
It's called, simply The T'inator. It's mission is to turn every Web page into a page starring Mr. T. It's easier to see than to explain, so click the link above, enter a URL and check out the jibba jabba.
The Web site you entered probably looks vastly different now, and vastly better, with Mr. T photos all over the darn place Also look carefully at the wording on the entered page and notice that the stories are actually interesting now.
I had hoped that the maker of this site would answer
a few questions I sent, but apparently I forgot about
the week-long A-Team convention currently taking place.
Luckily I did find an explanation of how the translator
The Dialectizer, where you can translate text into
redneck, cockney, Elmer Fudd, Swedish Chef, moron, Pig
Latin or hacker, there's a page devoted to a
translation explanation. After entering the URL
into the specified text field, a script runs that downloads
the page, if it exists, and runs a search and replace
to translate the page. Some of the dialects have more
search strings than others, so depending on which you
choose, you will notice different levels of discrepancy
for the original Web site.
These particular Web translators serve no practical
purpose, unless you are intent on reviving the A-Team
or need a Web site for mimes (translation: ALL WORDS
DISAPPEAR!). There are two others you should visit too:
The '80s Server ĂValley URL. Like, duh, these
are pretty straightforward, so have a Smurfy time on
More importantly, there is a worthwhile purpose of a Web translator --
to translate foreign languages efficiently. With BabelFish, you can translate
text or websites from English into eight different languages, and vice
versa. The text returned won't be perfect, but the meanings will be
pretty close. For instance, "I pity the fool," converted to German
became "Pity I der Dummkopf." This can't be true, of course, because
after Rocky II, Mr. T refused to speak German, and on top of that, it is
extremely difficult to mime in a foreign language.
If you have a PC you have more options on the site from which to choose.
Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters do not appear on a Mac, plus the
world keyboard, a Java applet, works solely on BabelFish.
Although most of the translators reviewed are just for entertainment purposes,
there is a greater need for their potential to break
all language barriers. It would still be difficult to
translate all phrases and slang properly, but these
devices are on the right track. Futhermore, once they
can translate the universal language of mimes, we will
be able to knock on the invisible door of opportunity
and walk through it with ease. Unless, of course, Mr.
T puts the smack down.