Traveling to new countries is a great opportunity to see customs and cultures that you may not find in your own backyard. While it can be an exhilarating experience, it can also turn into a problem when not properly prepared for the journey. To make sure you have everything you need, I would suggest reading "Healthy Travel: Don't Travel Without It!" by Michael P. Zimring and Lisa Iannucci.
The book is more or less a reference book of things to keep in mind when making plans abroad. There are a number of things that are easy to forget unless you are a seasoned traveler. International trips are becoming more popular, but people still need to be cautious of various health issues when arriving at a new place.
I personally have not traveled out of the United States lately, but when I do, I plan to skim over "Healthy Travel," just to make sure I'm not missing anything about my destination. This is definitely a book to have in your collection, just in case.
Bravo, seems magnificent idea to me is