I'm really, really getting frustrated by the advice Dear Abby hands out to people on a daily basis. Millions of people read this, and many times, what she has to say is incorrect!
In a previous column, I mentioned that I might try to make the world's largest waffle, and an observant reader wondered what the record actually was.
Of course, I had no idea, so I attempted to look it up. Here's what I found:
It's not entirely pretty, but here's what others had to say about the Ultimate Crazy Survey:
User Comments
Fairly insane sounds about right.
Ben, I don't feel crazy. Just out going, fun and fearless some times. I think reality shows are the DEVIL!! Ha ha
I really do not have any comments on the quiz itself, but thank you for writing it so that I had something to do at work.
A few years back, I created the Crazy Survey. As I received people's results from this largely non-scientific survey, I laughed, I cried and I pondered why there were so many crazy people in the world.
Actually, that's not true. I mainly wondered if anyone thought the survey could possibly uncover the secrets of humanity's desire to be unique, yet be similar enough to others to live in society. Up until now, I would have to say the answer has been a resounding no.
Welcome to BenWoods.com! I decided that since my readership was up to about 24 people, I should devote an entire Web site to it. So here it is!
All of my columns published during the last four years should be available here. If not, I need to check the lost and found because it's possible one or two ran away. A key ingredient to the current site is the newest survey, the Ultimate Crazy Survey. It's the best of the ones I've made so far, to check it out when you have time.
If you navigate through as many Web sites as I do in a day (approximate estimation: 341,307,121,980), you've probably wondered the following things one time or another:
In most businesses, a huge key to success is efficiency. This can be brought about in a variety of ways, including focusing on the task at hand, avoiding duplication of work and, above all, locking all workers in their offices so they cannot escape for home.
In the beginning, the Internet gods created hypertext markup language. This language, known to you and me as HTML, was pretty much the sole programming possibility in the earliest development stages of the World Wide Web.
With the recent surge in reality television, I have decided to create my own
hit series called "The Communicator." I need someone to be in charge
of my phone decisions. So every time a telemarketer calls, urging me to move
my phone plan to another galaxy, I will transfer them directly to The Communicator.
At that point, I would hope the telemarketer would be told that I'm locked
into a contract until the year 2348, but that it was OK to call back after
that time.
It's amazing that we live in a time period when at any given moment, we could
find out that everything we previously knew about the universe was incorrect.
But so far, it's safe to say that Mars does exist, the sun is at the center
of our solar system and "Space Camp" really wasn't a very good movie.
If you haven't been following the news lately, or maybe you've been busy with
other things, like selling your belt buckles on eBay, let me go over some
of the recent astronomy highlights: